> @psf/bch-js@6.0.0 test:integration:bchn /home/trout/bvt/bvt-bchjs/uut/bch-js > export RESTURL=https://bchn.fullstack.cash/v5/ && export IS_USING_FREE_TIER=true && mocha --timeout 30000 test/integration/ && mocha --timeout 30000 test/integration/chains/bchn/ #blockchain #getBestBlockHash ✔ should GET best block hash (78ms) #getBlockHeader ✔ should GET block header for a single hash ✔ should GET block headers for an array of hashes ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #getMempoolEntry ✔ should throw an error if txid is not in mempool #getTxOutProof ✔ should get single tx out proof (329ms) ✔ should get an array of tx out proofs (431ms) #verifyTxOutProof ✔ should verify a single proof ✔ should verify an array of proofs (140ms) ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #getTxOut ✔ should get information on an unspent tx ✔ should get information on a spent tx #getBlock ✔ should get block information with default verbosity (43ms) ✔ should get block information with verbosity 0 (63ms) #getBlockchainInfo ✔ should get info about the blockchain #control #getNetworkInfo ✔ should get info on the full node #ElectrumX #utxo ✔ should GET utxos for a single address (42ms) ✔ should POST request for UTXOs for an array of addresses (50ms) ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #balance ✔ should GET balance for a single address (39ms) ✔ should POST request for balances for an array of addresses (46ms) ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #transactions ✔ should GET transaction history for a single address (3068ms) ✔ should POST request for transaction history for an array of addresses (6087ms) ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #unconfirmed ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #blockHeader ✔ should GET block headers for given height and count ✔ should GET block headers for given height with default count = 1 (44ms) #txData ✔ should GET details for a single transaction ✔ should POST details for an array of transactions ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #broadcast ✔ should broadcast a single transaction #price #getUsd ✔ should get the USD price of BCH (59ms) #getBchaUsd 37.57 ✔ should get the USD price of BCHA (300ms) #getBchUsd 379.39 ✔ should get the USD price of BCH (295ms) #rates ✔ should get the price of BCH in several currencies (167ms) #rawtransaction #decodeRawTransaction ✔ should decode tx for a single hex ✔ should decode an array of tx hexes ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #getRawTransaction ✔ should decode a single txid, with concise output ✔ should decode a single txid, with verbose output ✔ should decode an array of txids, with a concise output ✔ should decode an array of txids, with a verbose output ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #decodeScript ✔ should decode script for a single hex #sendRawTransaction ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #_getInputAddrs ✔ should return an array of input addresses (55ms) #getTxData ✔ should return tx data with input addresses (43ms) 48 passing (1m) #DSProof #getDSProof ✔ should get TX info from the full node (75ms) #psf-slp-indexer #status ✔ should return the status of the indexer. (40ms) #balance ✔ should get balance data for an address. (50ms) #tokenStats ✔ should get stats on a token, without tx history (108ms) ✔ should get stats on a token, with tx history (322ms) #tx ✔ should get hydrated tx data for an SLP transaction (57ms) ✔ should mark non-SLP transaction as false (164ms) ✔ should mark blacklisted token as null (147ms) ✔ should throw error for non-existent txid (137ms) #getTokenData ✔ should get token data (27263ms) ✔ should get token data with a transaction history (3049ms) #rawtransaction sendRawTransaction ✔ should send a single transaction hex ✔ should send an array of tx hexes #Transaction #get ✔ should get a tx details for a non-SLP TX with an OP_RETURN (134ms) ✔ should handle a coinbase transaction (87ms) #util #validateAddress ✔ should return false for testnet addr on mainnet ✔ should return false for bad address ✔ should validate valid address ✔ should validate an array of addresses (43ms) ✔ should throw error on array size rate limit #UTXO #hydrateTokenData ✔ should hydrate token UTXOs (128ms) #get ✔ should hydrate address with BCH and SLP UTXOs (594ms) ✔ should handle Type1 minting batons (291ms) ✔ should return UTXOs for address with no SLP tokens (331ms) ✔ should filter Group tokens and mint batons (339ms) ✔ should filter NFTs (296ms) #isValid ✔ should return true for valid UTXO with fullnode properties ✔ should return true for valid UTXO with fulcrum properties ✔ should return true for valid UTXO with fullnode properties ✔ should return true for valid UTXO with fulcrum properties ✔ should process output of Utxo.get() (267ms) 31 passing (2m)